We have been told by so many people that we all have a story to tell. This, I am sure, is true. However, sometimes it is not expedient or prudent to tell your whole story. Nevertheless, you should be prepared to always speak your truth or should I say, "the truth." If you were given a soapbox to stand on and present a speech for 15 minutes, what would you say? Would your speech be informative or humorous? Or both?
There were two sisters who had reached the age of 104 and 109, respectively and were given an opportunity to share what they had learned over a very long lifetime. Their story was dramatized in the form of a play on broadway, adapted from The 1993 biography "Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years." This New York Times bestselling book was compiled by Amy Hill Hearth and contains the oral history of Sarah "Sadie" L. Delany and A. Elizabeth "Bessie" Delany, two civil rights pioneers who were born in the late 19th century to a former slave. Of course, we were schooled, entertained and even walked away with some food for thought derived from a lot of history shared in the book and in the play about the times in which they lived. We are uplifted because they decided to have their say.
From the beginning of time, we have been given messages by our ancestors that have helped to shape who we are currently. We have also received messages from society that in some cases feel like mixed messages and have left some of us confused. "All we have is knowledge passed on by our elders, experiences we inclucate and hardly negate. But to bridge the generation gap, one needs to adapt to the new while retaining the goodness of the old." Sonaldi Bendre. We have also had the privilege of receiving messages; the truth, from our creator. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32. "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Ephesians 4:25.
Subsequently, we have learned that the truth will set us free if we listen and abide by it and in it. I believe that if I were given 15 minutes to expound on a truth, it would be to tell the world that "love indeed makes the world go round, and that love started with the creator Who lovingly created us." I know that might sound a little corney to some. But, I challenge you to find something, anything else that heals as completely as love; that forgives like love. God is love. "God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God and God abides in him." 1 John 4:16. This scripture says it all. To be loved unconditionally by an all powerful, all knowing, all faithful and all loving God is the truth and we can relax and let Him lead because He is more than willing and capable. Sharing the love of God with others is phenomenal.
I like what Joshua had to say to the children of Israel when he had taken the torch passed to him by Moses. "But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15. Powerful! "If your actions don' t live up to your words, you have nothing to say." DaShane Stokes. These were not empty words to impress, Joshua was speaking his truth from faith in God who had proved Himself to be Who He said He is. This was Joshua's truth based on facts, eye-witness accounts, and experience.
Unfortunately, we have become confused by what truth is. Maybe we watch too many movies where we can bend fiction to be quite believable and/or in order to design a world that we want, we have re-worked the truth so much that we have lost it; or we just do not recognize it. Well, thankfully some of us still know it. But, we have become a little leery about speaking it for fear of criticism. "We have freedom of speech, but you got to watch what you say." Tracy Morgan. Know that I am not making a political statement of any kind. Just telling the truth. We cannot all be right, and the real truth has to be alive in it's original form. Take a moment to search for it. It's in the bible. Look and Live it.
Go way back in your mind: when were you taught truth? Was it at home, was it in church, at school or in the streets? Why did you embrace it? "If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh. This is the right stance to take when you believe that you have something to say. Never let anyone take that away from you. However, there is no need to be haughty or self-righteous. Let me caution you, let your words be filled with kindness and humility (figure out what that means for you) so that someone or some persons can be blessed by you sharing your truth.
Sometimes what we have to say is not pretty, but necessary. I think that we can say what we have to say without being offensive. Okay, perhaps Pharoah was offended when Moses asked him to let God's people go. The truth is he should not have been. He was enslaving them against their will and holding them captive with no release date in sight; again, against their will. I digress.
Queen Ester in the bible had her say at her own peril. She asked the King (her husband) to spare the life of her people. For those of you who do not know the story, please read the Book of Esther in the bible. Approaching the KIng without permission meant death, even for his wife. She decided to have her say. "I and my maids will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the King, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." Esther 4:16. This was a statement of courage and faith in God.
Often, when we think of having our say or speaking our truth, it is not usually at the threat of death or destruction. But there have been some throughout the years who have spoken their truth and lived to see the results. It is not as dire as all that now, but it is something to give thought to. How far are you willing to go to hear and speak the truth? Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., spoke and lived out his truth on behalf of the oppressed peoples (most minorities) and we know the outcome. Even when you speak the truth in love, it still may not turn out the way you want it to. Be mindful (not fearful) of speaking your truth anyway. Someone needs to hear it.
One more biblical example: When David made his case to be given the opportunity to fight the giant Goliath. David was small in stature, but a mighty warrior nonetheless. He was not fighting in his own strength. "Let no one lose heart on account of this PhiIistine; your servant will go out and fight him." 1 Samuel 17.... I believe his extreme confidence led to his being given the chance. Certainly, when he stood in front of Goliath who stood nine feet tall, he had his say. "You come against me with sword and and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands....." 1 Samuel 17:32-50. How about that for David having his say. The giant Goliath heard him. He did not believe David. But, David slew Goliath. The Lord enabled David to be glorious in battle.
Of course, the goal is to speak your truth. No matter what walk of life we may find ourselves in, we must be true to ourselves in order to be honest with others. We have to know what we believe in order to practice it. Your input is valuable. "Do it! What are you waiting on? Do it! Stand up for what you believe in. The world needs your voice. Whoever you are, you have something to say. Say it!" Kerry Washington. It is a daunting task to think that you have to have all the right answers to start something or to say something. You don't!
"Start where you are. Use what you have. For what you can." Arthur Ashe.
People will try to accuse you of not knowing what you are talking about. Keep talking. They will soon lose interest. Or, there is a good chance that they might listen and be positively influenced. History is replete with examples of people who have made a difference in numerous ways just because they dared to speak their truth. If you are reading this blog, you have been on the planet long enough to accumulate a point of view. It is okay to keep it to yourself. But, if you believe what you have learned or experienced, can benefit you or someone else, have your say!
What's on your mind? You can start right there. When we look around our world, there is much to be said and done. Think about how you can impact the world for the better. Kind words followed by kind actions is a great way to have your say. You can get on your soapbox and speak your truth, but beyond that be prepared to "do something"should your words inspire others to make changes.
What are you passionate about? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated that, "A man who does not have something for which he is willing to die is not fit to live." Your passion should be evident in what you believe and how you live. What is the evidence? Great preachers preach. Great writers write, etc. Each has something to say. My father, who passed away when I was 14 years of age was passionate about his children having a better life than he did. He never tired of tellling us that education was the way to a better life. He was right. My grandmother, Evangelist Mary Jackman never tired of sharing her faith in God with her grandchildren. She insisted that we get to know the Lord. She said that we could not live without Him. She was right. My father and my grandmother definitely had their say. I am thankful that they did. I am eternally grateful. Live your passion out loud; write about it, talk about it. Someone will get it and move forward as a result of your sharing. Go tell it on the mountain!
Charity begins at home and spreads abroad! This is what I have been taught. My understanding of this is that whatever you represent or whatever is the essence of your being, you begin by demonstrating this at home and then it is taken forward to the world outside of your home. In other words, if you are generous, start being generous at home. Then share this generosity with the community at large and the world. You will also influence those in your sphere of influence to do the same. Even your children do what you do and not what you say. Have your say at home, and then outside the home. You may experience the wonderful blessing of having "your say" continue when you are not present any longer. This is true in the cases of my father and grandmother. Their words of wisdom have been passed on to my children and my children's children. I am so glad that they had their say.
Do not make things complicated! Some people are long winded or just have a lot to say. Put it in a book if you wish. But, you do not have to do all that to have your say. I am reminded of the late Mother Sarah Turner, an Elder in my church who passed away at the age of 106 and is now somewhere around God's throne. She began and ended every conversation with, "To God be the Glory!" This spoke volumes. In my interpretation, she was acknowledging her Creator and giving thanks and praise to Him for all the blessings in her life and for her long life. Rest in love, Mother Turner. Thank you for having your say!
Words have power! Use them to inform and to bless others. You may never get an official platform to speak your truth. Don't let this stop you. Journalize your thoughts and start by sharing it with your family and friends. You will be surprised at the results. One precaution, make certain that your opinion/truth is based on a foundation of truth. For me, that foundation is the word of God. I stand on it because it is the truth. Heaven and earth will pass away, but God's word never will. What I know for sure is that His word stands forever. To God be the Glory!
Remember, we are in the hands of our mighty Creator. Take everything to Him in prayer and praise and thank Him in all things. He is still in charge. May God continue to bless you!
Yours, Yvette
Thank you for your continued support. I remain appreciative. You can comment at vttlane@gmail.com.
To tell the truth is to be totally honest no holding back . A lie by omission is still a lie. If your not going to tell me every thing, forget about it because by not telling everything can sometimes lead people unto the wrong path. We live to serve each other. If I lie about a situation and the outcome how will it help the person after me?
How about not telling at all if you’re not going to tell the hundred percent truth.
I am at an age I don’t want to beat around the bush or sell you a story of friction. Let the truth be told it can help somebody